
Deno Resources

Deno Resources We have compiled a list of free and paid deno resources. Official Documentation Online Courses Books Youtube Cheatsheet Official Documentation It’s always advisable to refer to and follow the official documentation available at: Online Courses Below are a few great courses on Deno. Deno: The Complete Guide Zero to Mastery Mastering Deno.js: […]

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Deno Tools

Deno provides some built-in tooling support for TypeScript and JavaScript. Deno Tools Let’s understand a few of the deno tools. Bundler Formatter Linter Documentation Generator Dependency Inspector Repl Bundler deno bundle [URL] will output a single JavaScript file, which includes all dependencies of the specified input. > deno bundle colors.bundle.js Bundle Download

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Deno Testing

Deno has a built-in test runner that can be used for testing Typescript and Javascript code. Once, you have installed deno, just run deno test in the command line and it will execute all the test files you have. We can run specific files by referencing them after the command. deno test tests/employee.test.ts Writing Deno

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Deno Modules

Modules in deno are imported in both Javascript and Typescript using ES6 standard. We can import and export deno modules using import and export keywords. Import – Deno Modules import keyword allows you to include and use modules held elsewhere, on your local file system, or remotely. In order to import a module in Deno,

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Deno Commands

Post installing deno, when we type –help on the command prompt, we get a list of sub-commands. These are the deno commands we will be looking at. deno –help Deno Commands Here is the list of deno commands along with a short description. bundle bundle module and dependencies of a project into a single file

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Deno VSCode

Now, let’s write a bit complex code using one of our favorite code editors – VS Code. In case if you don’t have VSCode installed on your machine, get it from the, it’s free 🙂 Deno VSCode We also recommend installing the deno vscode extension from the visual studio marketplace. This extension will add

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Deno Program Lifecycle

Deno Program Lifecycle mainly consists of two events – the load and unload lifecycle events. You can use these events to initialize and clean up code respectively in your program. Listeners for load events can be asynchronous while listeners for the unload events need to be synchronous. Both load and unload events cannot be canceled. Deno

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Deno First Program

Now, since we have successfully installed deno as per the steps covered in the previous section, let us run our deno first program. The file welcome.ts is a typescript file with a simple console message “Welcome to Deno 🦕” and is hosted on the website. We will directly run that file from our PowerShell command

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Deno Installation

Installing deno is quite a simple process. Deno ships as a single executable with no dependencies. Deno Installation There are two ways of installing deno on your machine: Using Binaries Using Commands 1. Using Binaries We can download a release binary from the official deno releases page. 2. Using Commands Below are the PowerShell and

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Deno Overview

Deno is a secure runtime environment for both Javascript and Typescript. It is built on top of V8, Rust, and TypeScript and developed by Ryan Dahl. V8 is an open-source JavaScript engine developed by The Chromium Project for Google Chrome and Chromium web browsers. Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language focused on performance and safety, especially safe

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